Thursday, September 01, 2005

It's a piece of my work-in-progress portrait. My version of being a Gemini ^^* (original)

Monday, July 25, 2005

Shelli is known for being an awesome photographer :P but as these pics would show.. known for laziness too..

Random drawing.. don't even ask.. i did it off the top of my head as a quickie before i was posted to bed :P (pastels)

Front yard, post-ivan (charcoal)

Dad went to Las Vegas for a convention... brought back the tourist tour books and such.. Cirque du Soleil was advertising with this pic and i loved it... so i drew it (pastels) Loved it so much i got it lamenated.. However, that didn't stop stupid Ivan from throwing sharp objects at it.. water got it.. and its pastels.. and water got in.. *cries*

After-Ivan pic... took a broken mango tree in my yard amongst some other stuff.. this is what i got. (all pastels ^^*)
Not original, found the original on the net and loved it.. but i can't remember where i found it exactly.. anywho.. (charcoal and drawing pencils)

Sketch of flowers some flowers in my yard... (pastels)

Sweet babe, cousin's daughter as in angel... this wasn't how the pic started.. but this is what it ended like (pencils)

Sketch in pastels

From a mag (pencil crayon *bleh*, pastels)
Was at dad's office... sketchin (pencils)

Sketch about my thoughts regarding someone who was trying too hard *cough* (original, except for Aaliyah's "Extra smooth" lyrics) (Markers and pen)

From fashion mag, yea yea i know the shadows on the face look like runny mascara :P but yours truly was so smart that she fixed the pic first before she noticed that... so changes could not be made. (pastels)

Attempts with acrylics.. PAINT SUCKS.. good, now that is out of my system. This came out way darker than it should have.. and patience isn't my forte.. so ya know..

My piece on my state of mind.. lol so it looks like something ripped off scary movie.. but its not :P.. It started with driving off away from a sunset with various objects represent things i'm familiar with but have had to leave behind... and ended up being this :P (pastels and charcoal)(original)

Just a sketch of plaintain (pastels.. my secret love affair :P)

Sweet babe, my cousin's daughter (charcoal)

Same plaintain, done quickly with acrylics (4th time or so EVER using paints so take pity)

Next attempt at acrylics. It is what it looks like :P

Some mangoes.. sketchin... (pastels)

A pic I did for Nads when she was leaving... Just an angel with some quotes on streaming ribbons (original) (pastels, gel pens)

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Still-life of fruits on a plate

CXC exam (2004) observational piece

2004, my CXC S.B.A. observational piece

Imaginative piece for the mock exams

Still life of "Things found/used in a garden"

2003, my CXC mock exams at school

"The cave"

I never ever finished this... infact the colour was fading..
pastels.. probably did it in 2003