Random drawing.. don't even ask.. i did it off the top of my head as a quickie before i was posted to bed :P (pastels)
Dad went to Las Vegas for a convention... brought back the tourist tour books and such.. Cirque du Soleil was advertising with this pic and i loved it... so i drew it (pastels) Loved it so much i got it lamenated.. However, that didn't stop stupid Ivan from throwing sharp objects at it.. water got it.. and its pastels.. and water got in.. *cries*
After-Ivan pic... took a broken mango tree in my yard amongst some other stuff.. this is what i got. (all pastels ^^*)
Not original, found the original on the net and loved it.. but i can't remember where i found it exactly.. anywho.. (charcoal and drawing pencils)
Sweet babe, cousin's daughter as in angel... this wasn't how the pic started.. but this is what it ended like (pencils)
From a mag (pencil crayon *bleh*, pastels)